Monday, June 28, 2010

Ma, world cup, office

Just returning from office. Last several days just managing office with urgent work. Trying to spend more time with ma. Still ma has not recover properly. Too weak to walk even cant seat for a while. My maternal aunty (BEAUTY MASI) came and stayed for some days but as her son got some accident at noapara so she returned. At the same day baro masi came and still with us. So it has been some help for us.
In the mean while fifa football world cup is going on. Knock out part already started. Last night arjentina vs mexico was there. Both troop played very well but the day was for arjentina. Arjentina won by 3-1. But the perfect goal came from tevez. This goal is one of the best of this tournament.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Last several day my ma is suffering. First took her at bangladesh medical, then dr projesh roy and now at apollo hospital. She is getting severe abdomen pain.
In BD for health sector we mango public is just helpless.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Day by day trafic jam is gonna be like untold measurable. From nayapaltan 2 shabag it has taken more than 40 minutes. Its feel like almost exhausted after day long office work. Who says bangaly has no patient? Pls visit town service bus at office time.
Last saturday my bike has stolen from garage. Really am just totally harassd. Surely i wil make my baby an unlawful person.
Polapain pura pain. Last friday went to sonargaon with da folk. After a long days got a good time. Pav, badsha n co, tarek n co.
Stil at elephant road. Its a daily embrasing. Mango public has nowhere to go. Listening fm radio foorti. They r playing "Nisso korecho je amay ki nithur chalonai"- after a long period enjoying it. I just cant tolarate these stupid RJ. I tel them radio jocker. Passing lab aid.
One thing really missing of jsr. Mango. This time this delicious fruit is cheap there.
Wow john denver is on air. I hav a very low taste about eng song but i like him.
Hav reached at rasel square. Somoy gele sadhon hobe na; Lalon rapping wit rap. Oye it started raining with a low density. Its not a good experience to be in bus when its raining outside cause all window is shuted so its just hot n hazy.
Anyway am just enough tired to end for today.
Get a good day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

3rd may, 2010

Its a new try to manage my trafic jam time. I left ofice at 6pm n now its 7.43 & amazingly stil on half way. Listening fm. Yester evening had reached dhaka frm jsr by train. It was 9 hour journey n was nice. Just reached kala-bagan. Daily am loosing around 3 hour for trafic jam. Physical n mental anxity is bonus.